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Jointer Planer Combo



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  • DeWalt DW1150 Jointer Planer

    DeWalt DW1150 Jointer Planer

  • DeWalt DW600 Mortising Attachment ELU

    Mortising Table

Jointing width: 260 mm Power: 1500 W
Max jointing depth: 4 mm Tables length: 1000 mm
Type of Cutters: 2 Standard Blades Fence Tilt: 90-45 °
Planer width: 260 mm Power: 1500 W
Max depth of cut: 4 mm
Max workpiece height: 160 mm Feed rate(s): 9 and 11 m/min
See detailed specs

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The DeWalt DW1150 is a cast iron jointer planer made in the 1980s and early 1990s. It was the successor of the DW50 jointer planer. It has a much better fence than the DW50, which was the weak point of that machine. It was succeeded by the DW733s, which is large the same, except painted yellow.

Cast iron body

The body is made from heavy cast iron, which is much higher quality than most other machines, both new and vintage. Its construction is relatively simple, so most models you will find on the second-hand market are still very useable today, simply because there isn’t much that can break.

Folding tables

The machine’s key features include the folding tables, which helps you maintain accurate settings even after switching between jointing and planing. It also has two feed rates (9 & 11m/s) for planing, which help with cut quality on difficult boards.

Changing the height on this machine is easy, because the handwheel is attached to the thicknessing table itself and operates very smoothly.

Replacement parts can still be found online. Be sure to also look for the DeWalt DW50 and ELU EPT 1151 and 1153, because those are identical machines for the most part and many parts are interchangeable.

Mortising table DW600

There was also a mortising attachment for the DW1150, called the DeWalt DW600. You can find the schematics for that here. I’m not sure whether it also fitted the DW50.

Note about the fence: Some machines still have the same sloppy fence as the old DW50, so be sure to check that when looking a buying one of these.

Replacement Blades: You can find replacement blades at Amazon UK (sold by Axminster), Amazon Germany, or on eBay.

Machine Atlas Verdict

Solid cast-iron machine, without the sloppy fence of the DW50

Value for money




What we don't like

  • Dust extraction not great
  • Motor on the side makes it take up a larger area

What we like

  • Sturdy cast-iron body
  • Folding tables, makes it easy to switch between jointing and planing
  • Improved fence from the DW50
  • Smooth up and down movement
  • Motor on the side, allows you to store it under a desk


Ask questions or share your experiences with the DeWalt DW1150 Jointer Planer with others

  1. Hello All, Very impressed with your website great source of info thankyou, I have been looking into possible buying a Dewalt dw 1150 planer thicknesser and have noted that you state they are made from cast iron and not cast alloy all the ones I have seen are alloy are you sure in this as I will continue looking for a cast one if so , many thanks, M.

    Mark Allen
    1 person found this helpful
    • Hi Mark, thanks for your comment. You may be right actually. The main difference is that they are made from heavy castings, and not from sheet metals or other more fragile parts. Perhaps it is a cast alloy and not a cast iron. Still makes it a much sturdier machine that most alternatives.

  2. Hi I have a DeWalt dw1161 planer thicknesser with a mortise table on the side. This was my father’s machine in the 20 years after his passing the machine went through a few hands and now I have it. Im trying to get it all up and running I can’t seem to find the mortise bits for the machine they have 13mm shank. Can anyone help to find these parts cheers

  3. Hi There,

    Please let me know if I can get the Chain for Dragging P/N:32365 for a DW50 machine?
    Thank you

    Vasilis Mavrogiorgis
  4. Hi, I recently bought a DW1150 which seems fine. The vendor also sold me the DW 600 morticing attachment, but the package was short of the chuck. The vendor never used the attachment and doesn’t think that he ever had the chuck. Is there any chance of buying a replacement or working substitute?

    Frank Hinson
  5. Hi I have been given a very old D W 1150, (can`t find the type). It does not have a fence, are there any plans around to build one?

    Paul Luddington
    • Hi Paul, I don’t know of any plans specifically for the DW1150. But there are some videos on youtube for DIY fences for jointers/planers and table saws. You could try to adapt one of those. Using an aluminium extrusion might be a good idea, will guarantee flatness.

  6. Hi All.
    I have the DW 1150 and it certainly spreads the chips everywhere.
    In the manual there is an accessory called the “mouthpiece for dust extractor”. Part number DA 831.
    Does anyone know where to get one from?
    Even a photo of one fitted to the machine would help and then perhaps I could model one up.

    Steve Cox
    • Hi mate trying to get one myself can you let me know when you find out regards wally

  7. Dear sir I have a dewalt 1150 planer thickneser and need to change the two bearing but don’t know how to get the spindle out to be able to do this. I hope you can help me with this problem. K. Wilkins.

    Kenneth Wilkins
    • Hi Kenneth, I don’t own the 1150 anymore so I cannot check for a definitive answer. From looking at the manual drawings however I’d say you probably will need to disassemble the entire housing, or at least one side in order to remove the cutterhead.

      For some more info you could check this post on UKWorkshop and this video (note that on this model you don’t need to remove the housing).

      Hope that helps!

  8. Would you happen to know the part number of the blades? DeWalt don’t appear to sell them anymore so ill have to look for some that might be old stock.

    • We might have to, as DeWalt Australia has absolutely no idea about anything related to the machine. Luckily the 1151 manual is only in english so it’s much easier to read and half as long. Thanks for the help.

    • I should clarify. The manual I found when i searched for “DW1151 manual” says DW1150 on the front page, but it also says DW1151 – 1ph and DW1153 – ph, underneath. This is a bit confusing as the 1150 is single phase already. Any thoughts on that?

    • Hi Jacob, great to hear the new blades fit. The DW733 is the updated version of the DW1150, and very similar apart from the yellow color, so it makes sense.

      Regarding the DW1151, I checked that manual and I can’t find an explanation either. It could be that the 1151 was single phase, but with a UK plug, or it was a slightly updated version. Or they created two new numbers when they introduced a three phase version. Hard to tell, I guess we would need to contact an old-timer at DeWalt Italy to find the real answer!

    • Hey Rob

      I found a compatible set. I don’t know if they are still manufactured, but they are from a newer machine. DE7333 for anyone interested. They fit fine, though they are 1mm wider.

      I noticed that the DW1151 manual is only in english, which makes reading it easier. I can’t find any info on the 1151, though it seems identical. Would you happen to know more?

    • Hi Jacob, I think you’re going to have a tough time to find old stock. There are however still some sellers that sell new replacement blades for the DW1150. For example Woodford Tooling and Amazon UK. Check the machine description above for some links.

      Hope that helps!

  9. I bougt my dw1150 34 yers ago but now the motor stopp working. Do you know wher I kan by a new on?

    John Kaare Maeland
  10. Thank you for help. I need parts for my DW 1150, and find the manual with part no. here.
    Do you know who has pats for this vintage machine. I need pinion for dragging roller 132332 2 pc, and thoothed wheel 32331 one pc. Thank you for helping.

    Andreas Larssen Norway
    • Hi Andreas, this site sells some parts for the DW 1150, they might have what you’re looking for.

  11. Hi I’ve just acquired a dewalt 1150 planner Thicnesser with the jointer on the side do you know where I can get a tutorial on how this works thank you Alan

    Alan Johnson
    • Hi Alan, do you mean there is a separate jointer on the side of the machine? Or do you mean the motor is on the side? Because if there’s a separate jointer, then it’s probably a different machine from the 1150. They did have an attachment on the side, but that was just a mortising table.

      Hope that helps.

  12. Hi just bought a dw1150 all parts are except dust extractor , but my problem is setting the tables leval any advice or photos would be greatly appreciated

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Detailed Specifications

All the specs and options for the DeWalt DW1150 Jointer Planer

Motor Voltage3x 400V 1x 230V
Jointing width260 mm
Max depth of cut4 mm
Tables length1000 mm
Type of cutters2 Standard Blades
Fence tilt90-45°
Planer Width260 mm
Max depth of cut4 mm
Max workpiece height160 mm
Feed rate(s)9 and 11 m/min

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