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Type of machine

Band Saw



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Production status


Power: 5500 W Max cutting height: 570 mm
Table size: 800 x 1170 mm Max cutting width: 880 mm
Wheel Diameter: 900 mm Blade length: 6300 mm
Blade width: 10-50 mm
See detailed specs

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The SCM Formula S 900P is the largest and most powerful of all SCM band saws. It is a professional, industrialgrade machine meant for production shops and heavy resawing. It is also be used in non-wood industries.

It is the larger brother of the Formula S 800P. The main difference is that the 900P is simply larger and more powerful in every aspect. It can support wider (50 vs 45 mm) and thicker ( 0.8 vs 0.7 mm) saw blades.

The rubber tires around the wheels are attached with a tongue and groove system, making it very easy to replace them. This is much easier than glued on tires which is quite common on band saws.

The flywheels are nearly fully closed and made of cast iron, making them very heavy, which helps to maintain momentum during cutting. The machine can be levelled using four bolts in the bottom corner of the feet. This helps to minimize vibrations.

Resources and Guides

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Detailed Specifications

All the specs and options for the SCM Formula S 900P

Weight (standard configuration)720 kg
Total height2705 mm
Total width955 mm
Motor Voltage3x 400V
Motor Frequency50 or 60 Hz
Band Saw
Maximum Cutting Height570 mm
Maximum Cutting Width880 mm
Table size800 x 1170 mm
Band Saw blade
Blade length6300 mm
Blade width10-50 mm

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